We welcome families and staff to weekly Advent prayers (below) by NPSC Board Chaplain Father Joseph de Viveiros, CR, to use at home to assist with Scripture readings, lighting Advent Wreaths, questions for personal reflection, and songs during the Advent season!
First Week of Advent:
Lord of all hopefulness, help us to grow in faith and love that our Hope in your Son, who is to come again, may grow and be the light that guides us as we walk our earthly pilgrimage. Inspired by the Holy Spirit we ask this through the Hope of the world, Christ our Lord. Amen.
Second Week of Advent:
Lord of all hopefulness, help us to work for Peace and justice that Christ may find an eager welcome at his Second Coming and call us to his side in the kingdom of heaven. Inspired by the Holy Spirit we ask this through the Hope of the world, Christ our Lord. Amen.
Third Week of Advent:
Lord of all hopefulness, may we who look forward to the coming of Christ feel the Joy that comes from waiting for a welcomed Guest and may we share that joy with all we meet. Inspired by the Holy Spirit we ask this through the Hope of the world, Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fourth Week of Advent:
Lord of all hopefulness, your Divine Love took on flesh from the Virgin Mary and was born as Jesus: Hope for the world. Help us to share His love with our neighbours as He loves us. Inspired by the Holy Spirit we ask this through, Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers provided by NPSC Board Chaplain Father Joseph de Viveiros, C.R.