Secondary School French Immersion Program Information
Our objective is to ensure that students, who have followed an Early
Immersion Program (K - 8) or who have come from a French language
school, will be able to choose up to 12 credits in French language
courses and a variety of courses taught in French by the end of their
secondary school studies.
The grade 9 immersion program is part of
the Transition Years continuum consisting of Grades 7, 8, and 9 where
50% of the instruction is in French and 50% in English. Thus, the four
courses in the grade 9 immersion program form one package that immersion
students must include in their personal program in grade 9. The
subjects are French Immersion (FIF 1DC), Religious Studies (HRE 1OF), Geography (CGC 1DF) plus a choice of one or more of the following:
Health and Physical Education (PPL 10F)
or Visual Arts (AVI 1OF).
Throughout their studies, students will have opportunities to build their confidence and proficiency in the French language through Action-Oriented tasks based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).
Cultural Opportunities
French Immersion program also recognizes the value of providing
students with relevant, authentic learning opportunities where they can
use and practice their second language communication skills. It is for
this reason that the French department aims to organize a French trip
every second where students travel to a Francophone community (i.e., Quebec
City, Montreal, Maritimes etc.) and are immersed in a French
environment to engage in a variety of real-life situtaions in French.
Students who continue to study French to grade 12 will have the opportunity to complete the DELF exam, that provides them with recognition of their proficiency in areas of: Oral Comprehension, Oral Production, Written Comprehension, Written Production.
For more information about the CEFR:
Immersion Certificate will be issued to those students who will have
successfully completed the sequence of four courses in French immersion
language courses and a minimum of six courses in other subjects taught
in French.
Secondary French Immersion courses listed by grade.
Advanced Placement courses are enrichment opportunities offered through the College Board which is a trustee of the biggest and most prestigious universities in the world.
Students who continue to study Core French to grade 12 will have the opportunity to complete the DELF exam, that provides them with recognition of their proficiency in areas of: Oral Comprehension, Oral Production, Written Comprehension, Written Production.