
As a faith community, our Catholic education system seeks to provide learning opportunities that recognizes the dignity of each person, encourages social justice and challenges students and staff to become “fully alive.” Our schools offer rich learning environments that provide students with the skills they need to be confident, engaged and community-oriented during their school years and beyond.

Board Profile

  • 11 elementary schools
  • 1 secondary school
  • 1 Adult Education (St. Joseph Adult Education)
  • 1 Board Chapel (located at St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Catholic Secondary School)
  • 11,653 sq. kms in size
  • Major cities and towns: City of North Bay, Municipality of West Nipissing, Municipality of Powassan, Town of Mattawa, and Corbeil
  • Enrolment:
    • Elementary - 2034
    • Secondary - 1130
  • Teachers: 221
  • Principals: 11 elementary; 1 secondary; 1 Student Success/St. Joseph Adult Education
  • Vice-Principals: 2 secondary, 1 elementary
  • Educational Assistants: 72
SJSH Students



The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board is committed to providing services that are free of barriers and biases to our students, parents/guardians, the public and our staff.

Accommodation Reviews

Information on how schools within our school board are amalgamated when faced with limited enrollment.


Board admin, managers, and supervisors extensions and email addresses

Audit Committee

The mission of the regional internal audit team is to provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the district school boards' operations in the following 8 school boards, hereinafter referred to as the Northeastern Ontario region;


Board Organization Chart

A snapshot of the Board's administrative reporting structure.

Community Use of Schools

Community use of schools is an initiative that supports access to school space outside of school hours for community groups.


The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board exists so that students, enlightened by their Catholic faith, become contributing, fulfilled responsible citizens of a global society, at a justifiable use of resources.

Energy Management Plan

Read the “Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan” here.

EQAO Results

EQAO assesses how well Ontario’s public education system is developing students’ reading, writing and math skills.

Executive Compensation

Learn about the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act of 2014 and how it applies to the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board.

Financial Information

Recent and archived financial statements and trustee expenditures.

Our Mission & Vision

Rooted in Faith, Alive in Spirit. As a faith community, we provide learning opportunities that inspire, nurture and celebrate each learner's journey.


Policies of NPSCDSB: Here you will find policies on Board Governance, Bylaws, Administration, Curriculum, Programs, Personnel, and Students.

Safe Schools

The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board is committed to the development of the whole person and to providing a total education - spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and social - in which the true worth of each person is recognized and promoted. Read the “Safe Schools” policy here.

Social Media Guidelines

Prior to engaging with NPSC on social media, individuals are expected to become familiar with the Board’s terms of use. As a Catholic school system, NPSC has specific expectations for students, staff and community members.

Student Achievement Plan

The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board is pleased to share the 2023-2024 Student Achievement Plan with our community. In accordance with the Better Schools and Outcomes Act, 2023, which received royal assent on June 8, 2023, the NPSC Student Achievement Plan has been developed to include mandatory provincial priorities and goals established by the Ministry of Education.


Support Catholic Education

Did you know your school support defaults to English Public each time you move residences?