The Friday April 26, 2024 PA Day has been moved to Monday April 8, 2024, for all NPSC schools.
Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and Staff,
The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board (NPSC), in collaboration with the coterminous school boards: Conseil scolaire catholique Franco-Nord, Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario, and the Near North District School Board, have decided to reschedule the Professional Activity Day originally scheduled on Friday, April 26, to Monday, April 8 due to the solar eclipse. Therefore, Friday, April 26 will be a regular school day. This decision has been made out of an abundance of caution to ensure the safety and well-being of students.
This rare solar event will occur over the region between approximately 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on April 8, 2024. As the timing of the eclipse is end-of-day near dismissal time, maintaining a regular school day will present many challenges to students and staff. As a result of concerns for traffic-related issues due to temporary darkness and the potential risk of severe eye injury, we have determined that this change will provide the least amount of disruption to families, staff and our transportation partners, while keeping the health and safety of all a priority.
As we approach the date of the eclipse, NPSC will share educational materials and resources with staff and students prior to the eclipse so students may learn more about this historic and rare celestial occurrence. An initial resource from the Canadian Association of Optometrists shares how to prepare to enjoy a solar eclipse safety: Solar Eclipse Safety | The Canadian Association of Optometrists.
We appreciate your support and understanding in this school calendar change. Should you have any questions, kindly contact your School Principal.
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board