NPSC Mathematics Professional Activity Day

NPSC Mathematics Professional Activity Day: Focusing on the Fundamentals of Mathematics and the Pedagogical System
Posted on 10/22/2018
Math TeachersOn October 22, 2018, our elementary schools gathered in families of schools networks to participate in the NPSC Focusing on the Fundamentals Mathematics Professional Activity Day.  Our elementary schools collaborated in four families of schools networks:  1) St. Theresa, Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Gregory 2) Mother St. Bride, St. Alexander and St. Hubert 3) Our Lady of Fatima, St. Victor and St. Francis 4) St. Luke and Holy Cross.  The day was facilitated by our families of school principal and teacher math lead learning teams.  The day focused on deepening our understanding of the Focusing on the Fundamentals teaching guide, our NPSC Mathematics Action Plan and the mathematics pedagogical system.  School teams inclusive of teachers, principals, educational assistants, designated early childhood educators and system staff engaged in learning activities that deepened their content knowledge and understanding of strategies that support students in developing computational fluency and foundational math skills. We extend our appreciation to all of our school facilitation teams for their leadership and to all of our staff for their participation and engagement as we work together to support our students progress in mathematics.