Regulation 464/97 under the Education Act requires each
school board in Ontario to establish a Special Education Advisory
Committee which is composed of trustees, members from local associations
and local agencies.
"Local association" means an association or
organization of parents that operate locally within the area of
jurisdiction of a board and that is affiliated with an association or
organization that is not an association of professional educators but
that is incorporate and operated throughout Ontario to further the
interests and well-being of one or more groups of exceptional children
or adults.
This standing committee's major functions are to advise
the Board regarding any special education matter and make
recommendations concerning the needs of exceptional pupils in the
Board's jurisdiction.
SEAC members are appointed by the board for the term of office of the Board Members represent the following associations:
Committee Members
Name |
Position / Representing |
Marie Derosier
Learning Disabilities Association of NB (Chair)
Jeannie Boissonneault
Nipissing Down Syndrome Society (Vice-Chair)
Jacques Bégin
Trustee (alternate)
Theresa Bitonti
Special Education Coordinator
Dr. Mary Grise
Parent Representative
Caroline Labrecque
Nipissing First Nation
Dan Lachance
Community Living North Bay
Barbara McCool
Trustee (alternate)
Paula Mann
Director of Education
Patricia Overholt
SJSH Classroom Resource Teacher and Curriculum Lead
April Porter
Community Living North Bay
Frank Ricciuti
SJSH Special Education Teacher and Curriculum Lead
Shelly Warren
Jody Weller
Superintendent of Education
John Willemsen
Committee Meetings